Monday, July 6, 2009

Do you really know who you are talking to?

Katrina Daniels Lee portrays herself as the perfect victim. The mother with four children who is made out to be the victim of parental alienation. She plays the role of a caring advocate who will take a parents call at whim but the truth is do you really know the person you are on the other end of the phone. No you don't. I mean come on did you think your ex would do this to you!! She will spend hours on the phone with you trying to seem compassionate. What answer does she give you that is not someone else's content. I hope you did not donate to her vaction fund to the islands. Keep in mind she dosen't pay support but will whine she does.

She rants and raves about the ex and the behaviors they portray as alienation but is this the truth. This is a woman with many issues that behind the scenes is not a person you want to stand at your side. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing. She often claims that she is a big time advocate and cares about the rights of children and parents. If you look closely she has no original content and takes what she finds from others as her own. What happened to her documentary that she promised? Has she really changed your case to bring your children home. No she hasnt she plays the emotional twist to try and build your cofidence. Has there been action on your case.

If you look in the number of Yahoo groups she belongs to she if you do not agree with her statements she will come at back at you in what appears to be a narcissistic behavior. She has proven time and time again to jump on the bandwagon for anyone that she thinks is going to help. The truth remains that at one time I had a relationship with this woman and I feel the truth needs to be told. She was playing me with 2 other men at the same time. She is money hungry and didn't mind taking me for all the money I had to go on trips and other frivolous adventures.

I proceeded to help her with her case because like many of you I thought she was done wrong. But in time the truth seemed to linger out into the open. She often rants about her ex and how she is destroyed out of her children's lives by his actions. She has some type of mental issue where she has to be in control and seek sympathy as a "victim" status. Her older child who I will not name chooses to be with her ex and not her. At first I though Oh my God this is sick until I discovered that Ms. Daniels was full of BS. She longs to be with her kids but at the same time will put them a side for what ever man comes her way. She claims to be poor from child support but does not have to pay child support so she tells me. What is it Katrina you do or don't?

She lives an duplex where she pays $1700- 1900 a month (can't remember the full amount) but is dirt poor. Her own family will not have anything to do with her. She complains of her family in midnight confessions in the past crying in my arms but from a third party point of view, her kids her own family etc. I mean come on. She did feel for me and my kids I had some problems too, but I was glad to see the truth in enough time.

Before you trust anyone you need to find their own court records and so who really is the screw up as a parent. I would say trying to get donations to further your life style is sick. I found out she was playing me is she playing you. You can do with this sound advice as you wish but before you trust some one check them. Katrina is on so much meds half the time she can't mentally function correctly. I hope she will correct her wrongs and ask her children's forgiveness, she is just as guilty in alienation bringing her son into all this. To show her son all this is also a form of brain washing! She is like a snake crawling around behind the scenes the spewing her veniem to destroy her enemy but in the process she hurt her children but like some other women claims it's the ex's fault. Do your Homework people before you trust someone with all your information. Talk is cheap.

More examples to come...

1 comment:

  1. I have not seen this and dissolved the foundation years ago. I do feel the need to comment here So let's clarify this accusation.
    1. These comments are coming obviously from. Man who is scorned.
    2. I formed the foundation with my own money and legally made it 501c3. This was to group all the information that was available on the subject of alienation and be a large resorce center. Minimal donations came in and were used for t shirts. Again I had an attorney who overseen everything!
    3. I did pay alot of child support until each of my children aged out AND then some! Paid for their sports etc.
    4. It was a spiteful tactic using my modeling portfolio to try and project I am a whore. That's horrible if you cared even a little bit about my children you would not do any of this.
    5. I was able to afford my rent through hard work every day! I was no different than you or anyone. You work to live and do what you can. My travel to the islands was from my inheritance from my diseased parents which I took my kids!
    6. Making a reference to misuse of medications? If you knew me so well you would know I was never on narcotics but for Lupus, heart issues, blood clots, breathing, and blood pressure. So how you make an issue of that to suit your needs is sickening.
    Men? There was only you! When we broke up I moved on. Period. Since when is dating when my kids were with dad for a few days a crime?
    I find this to be a horrible personal attack for no reason other than hurt.
    I can only hope you find peace in yourself and stop drinking. This caused an issue with you attacking me as I was working at a wedding of your family member. Your own brother apologized to me for your actions. So before you cast the first stone. Look in the mirror and stop being so spiteful when you cant have someone or something you want.
    I apologize that this person had chosen to publicly try to ruin my personal life and I am very sorry to my family for this posting from this man I ket into my life for a brief while.
    Chris get help please. Find peace and move on.
